



How do you reflect on your year? How do you integrate what you’ve learned, and set up the next year to be the best year yet?


We so often set New Year’s resolutions, want things to change, but end up staying stuck in inertia.

We set goals, but then get overwhelmed, distracted, or give into our fears.

I believe true change starts by taking an honest look at our lives, tracking what is and isn’t working for us, and making small 2-millimeter changes in the direction we want to go next.


Introducing the 21 Day Reflection Challenge


Over the next 21 days, I will be sharing one question a day to help us reflect on our year, set goals, and gain support to make next year our best year yet. Some of the questions I will share and reflect on come from me, and others are from my mentors who are prominent speakers, authors, and change makers.


Join the community


For each Reflection question, we will use social media to share our insights, discuss with others, and ask for help when we get stuck.

Hashtags: #thepotentialists #21DayReflection

Join the conversation with like-minded others on The Potentialists Facebook Group, and if you’d like to receive the Reflection Questions directly to your email, sign up for our mailing list.

So without further adieu, here is the first question:


Day 1: What were some of your most magical experiences in 2015?


This year has included many milestones and magical moments. I spoke at my 100th conference, took 4 months off from everything to concentrate on studying for and passing two 7-hour bar exams, and became a lawyer. I also had some very special moments this year, but the most special of all was travelling with my girlfriend in Europe for a month. We visited Spain, Italy, France, and Greece. One of the most special moments was when we were walking down the hill from Piazza Michelangelo in Florence, Italy, and a street performer made a cloud of bubbles above our heads as we slow danced to the music he was playing.

Now it’s your turn, what stood out for you as some of your most magical moments this year?


Have an awesome time reflecting!


Thank you so much for your willingness to join me in this global challenge, and I look forward to seeing all of your social media posts, photos, and reflections on completing the challenge. This is the first time I’m running this, so please reach out and give me feedback anytime.


Reconnectfully Yours,


